Wednesday, July 21, 2010

From my own understanding from juxtapostion (:

Few examples of some really cool juxtaposition i search online :)
Have a look!

a hot model with an old man,while the model having sexy pose and the old man just walking.
two different type of house put side by side :)

the lady on the right give audience the feeling of elegant bt the women on the left give the feeling of lonely and sad.

My own simple research on "Juxtaposition".

- The act of positioning close together.
- A placing or being placed in nearness or contiguity, or side by side, often done in order to compare/contrast the two, to show similarities or differences.

Juxtapose is place side by side.
Juxtaposed is placed side by side often for comparison.

So, a simple explanation for juxtaposition is
To place two different things side by side.

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