Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random word/ image association

From the lecture this week by Mr. Radzi Bedu, I have learned a new topic about Random Association. Random Association is a random word technique, the most basic and creative way to generate new ideas.

In this technique, random word are used to solve a problem. By forcing ourself to create a solution from a random word, we will be able to generate more ideas from different directions.

In conclusion, this technique is a good way to force us generate ideas.

Personal Reflection:

In my opinion, once again, Mr. Radzi Bedu had demonstrated brilliantly in introducing a new topic which is about Random Association. By giving an example of his journey from his home to FCM, we get the principle of this method easily.

The exercises for this topic are also suitable and I really learned a lot and understood on how the random word technique used.

In conclusion, this technique is good to be used by whoever that can't find idea in the moment by forcing themselves to find idea from a random word.

Random Association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word to provoke a reaction from the brain.

How does it work?

The brain is an efficient self-organising system, and very good at making connections. Almost any random word will stimulate ideas on the subject. Follow the associations and functions of the stimulus word, as well as using aspects of the word as a metaphor.

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